Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Defying certainity..defying death

Dream 1: Down went the hill. So steeper and steeper i fell, from a monstrous, sturdy mountain into a dark gloomy pitfall. And there i met death. I embraced it with grace, as if this what i had always wanted but yet was ever so reclusive to accept it.
Dream 2: Catch me if you can. I am running, running as fast as i could. My feet trying to catch the tick tock pace of my heart. If not by being murdered, i would actually die of a heart attack. I am running out of breath..Huh..Huh.Oh God, i am hoping that it is a dream, a bad dream...
Dream 3: A Visit to a Doctor. I haven't been feeling good at all. Rightfully so, i paid a visit to the doc. He diagnoses me with a terminal disease. Echoes of crying, sobbing and grief fills the atmosphere with utmost disgust.
Present: Death, hot topic of atonement for my dreams these days. By far, the most dreaded and the certain aspect of our lives, but we still cant come to the terms that this world can live without us. Why are jitters sent down the spine, even at the mention of this word? Is life that big a thing? Can it be called a thing? Is it the only and the last chance that we get to live? What if there is yet another life after death? How would i live there without my close ones? Would that mean I would die all over again?
What does life mean to you? If life was that important a gift, we wouldnt have let it go waste..as most of us are resorting. That includes me as well..mind you. The way you unwrap the gift MATTERS!!! Rushing up to unveil the gift would destroy the quintessential essence of the very gift. What we get at the end makes the whole thing worthwhile. Similarly at the end one would fall pray to death, but having made your ride worthwhile is what would give you calmness and serenity.
Death is certain, no one is immortal. We all are going to fall prey to the ultimate fiasco. What is disturbing is to loose yourself to the worldy things while you are still alive. What ever your desires are, whatever you dreams are..you need to make them happen in the short span that has been given the name of 'life'.
That's another question to ponder over whether all those desires, dreams were worth spending your life at. We'll get back to it sometime later. :)