Friday, June 12, 2009


Why is the sun shying away
from being eclipsed by the clouds,
For the exquisiteness of the sky lies in their mould

Why are the leaves not dancing, wrenching
to the rhythm of the wind,
For the serenity of their melody can’t be matched by anything

Why is the dawn of new optimism, ardor
not beckoning the dusk,
For that would have put an end to the distressed moans and perpetually dwindling trust

Why are you not soothing my ears with
what I long to hear,
For that would put an end to my miseries, desolation ..fears

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

God's hated child

Nobody likes being hated, being ridiculed, being slammed for every petty thing one ventures to do. If i am different from others, does this mean my foresights into the insights deserve no respect?I feel like a slave today, shattered by the atrocious remarks of people over my beliefs. My beliefs, my ideals today stand on weaker grounds as they cry for support. Creating a trail for myself does not seem to be coming easily today...I am forced to bear the brunts of those treading on the normal path.
I feel dejected, rejected, alone in a population of trillions. Faith today is interrogating my presence. Why am i different in a way, that i am being hated? Is there nobody to squeeze me out of this perturbation? Is there nobody amongst the zillions to protect me from drowning in a pool of tensions. Have humans reached this far, that they have to confide in a non-living entity like a blog or a diary?
Aaah...How lonely i feel today! Nobody to console me, nobody who can lift up my spirits or atleast give peace to my soul. It feels today, that i better become friends with lonliness, coz its the only thing that has walked with me all through my life...