Wednesday, December 23, 2009

beginning of an end or an end to a beginning?

Why we are sceptical and uncertain towards any change that crops up in our life? Wouldn't it be too boring if everything was repetitive and monotonous; meeting the same set of faces daily, going to the same place to study/work, having the same plain yellow dal for dinner. Well, don't know about others, but for me a change after every short period of while is a must. But that is a different thing that I am the first one to break down when they actually knock at my door ;).

So, after spending 4 long years (19% of my life; please do not take me as a nerd..was just emphasizing the time I had depleted) doing B.Tech, I am desperately looking forward to welcome a change. One main reason being that I do not see myself evolving further (so that means that the role of college life is over..saturated..exhausted, it made me what I am today). Further avenues untouched, unexplored, unimagined await me, bait me. This by no mean means, that I wouldn't miss my college. It was full of fun, bonding, bunking, photo shoots, pleads for phokat ki attendance, movies, momos, cuppas, photostats, arguments, clashes, bitching( girls and bitching go hand in hand. 60 girls, 120 imagine the level and amount of bitching). Though I wish it was co-ed (neighbouring college crowd made the situation even worse =P).

It took me a good amount of time to come to the terms of the change when the school life ended, hope things do not repeat themselves this time. Hope I don't get lost when it actually ends, and go into seclusion.

4 amazing years they were after all =).

Friday, December 11, 2009

when you love someone...

"I loved you. It was not a weight you must carry around. I loved you. It was not a box that holds you in. I loved you. It was not a standard you have to bear. I loved you. It was not a sacrifice I make. I loved you. It was not a pedestal you are frozen upon. I loved you. It was not an expectation of perfection. I loved you. It was not my life's whole purpose (or your's). I loved you. It was not to make you change. I loved you. It was not even to make you love me. I just loved you & will always do that as it is just the most purest n sacred form of relationship for me that is beyond evryone's sagacity & even yours.

But see the irony you made it a crime for me for which I have been forced to repent time n again but i guess now I am tired of repenting & suffering, so I am just simply giving it up...:)"

This bit of piece has been penned down by my friend P.J (has become an amazing one of late). And the occasion was, her boy friend ditching her. Arnt guys sick and tired of doing that over and over again, of committing then backing out?

"She wants to believe his every word, his assurance that he would never leave her, he would be her strength in intricate times ..she hesitates, for the fear that all these words might not be true. But she loves that person, and she is bound to trust him. And when her belief gets stronger, he aint there =) ..long gone.."

Well thought of adding this, coz just felt like..or rather could relate to it..identify with it =) =)