Friday, June 12, 2009


Why is the sun shying away
from being eclipsed by the clouds,
For the exquisiteness of the sky lies in their mould

Why are the leaves not dancing, wrenching
to the rhythm of the wind,
For the serenity of their melody can’t be matched by anything

Why is the dawn of new optimism, ardor
not beckoning the dusk,
For that would have put an end to the distressed moans and perpetually dwindling trust

Why are you not soothing my ears with
what I long to hear,
For that would put an end to my miseries, desolation ..fears


Sachin A said...

Very good effort yaar...

Your heart has carried lot of pain..and its just making its presence felt...There is a definite pain in your writings...and your word selection is also careful and accentuates the sadness...

I would like to see more and more writings...looking out for more pain..

why dont you consider writing as a career option..Journalism..what say? I think you think of a theme and keep blogging on that theme...all the successful bloggers have this thing in common...they adopt a theme..a cause...

And you know what...the creative output does get the best out of you and is a great tool in getting out of stressful situations...

think abt it..

guneet said...

pain..hahah..the ones who resort to such writing are the happiest lot.
yeah..journarislm..i always wanted to be one.even my attire reflects that.. ;)
now coming to your last suggestion..i feel there is no harm in trying that..atleast no heart aches in this one ;)